Welcome Fundamental Health Podcast by Dr. Paul Saladino Listeners!

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White Oak Pastures is Radically Traditional Farming.

White Oak Pastures Beef Is Carbon Negative We sell 100% pasture-raised meats and poultry to passionate consumers like you who care about the animals, land and community. Every day, we butcher meat from animals on our farm that were raised in a regenerative manner using humane animal management practices. Starting in 1995, we transitioned away from industrial agriculture techniques and began operating our farm as a living ecosystem. We now raise 10 species of humanely treated animals living in symbiotic relationships with each other.

Our lands are holistically managed to become increasingly a living organic medium that is teeming with life. A recent Life-Cycle-Analysis has confirmed that our grassfed cows are sequestering more greenhouse gases in the soil that they emit in their lifetimes.

Around The Farm is White Oak Pastures' blog that gives you an in-depth look at everything and everyone it takes to run our farm. It is updated a few times a week with articles about regenerative agriculture and all our upcoming events. Please sign up, tell us what you're interested in, and watch for exclusive new content from Dr. Paul Saladino exploring the health benefits of adding 100% pasture-raised protein to your diet.


NOW READ: Eating Paleo? Here's Why Pasture-Raised Matters by Dr. Paul Saladino

Welcome Fundamental Health with Dr. Paul Saladino Listeners. Use the code CARNIVOREMD for 10% off your first order.

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Around The Farm: Recent Posts From White Oak Pastures Blog